Some Image Processing, Information and Coding Theory with Python

Some of the following problems appeared in the exercises in the coursera course Image Processing (by Northwestern University). The following descriptions of the problems are taken directly from the assignment’s description.

1. Some Information and Coding Theory

Computing the Entropy of an Image

The next figure shows the problem statement. Although it was originally implemented in MATLAB, in this article a python implementation is going to be described.


Histogram Equalization and Entropy

Histogram equalization is a well-known image transformation technique to imrpove the contrast of an image. The following figure shows the theory for the technique: each pixel is transformed by the CDF of the image and as can be shown, the output image is expected to follow an uniform distribution (and thereby with the highest entropy) over the pixel intensities (as proved), considering the continuous pixel density. But since the pixel values are discrete (integers), the result obtained is going to be near-uniform.


The following figures show a few images and the corresponding equalized images and how the PMF and CDF changes.


Image Data Compression with Huffman and Lempel Ziv (LZ78) Coding

Now let’s implement the following couple of compression techniques:

  1. Huffman Coding
  2. Lempel-Ziv Coding (LZ78)

and compress a few images and their histogram equalized versions and compare the entropies.

The following figure shows the theory and the algorithms to be implemented for these two source coding techniques:


Let’s now implement the Huffman Coding algorithm to compress the data for a few gray-scale images.

The following figures show how the tree is getting constructed with the Huffman Coding algorithm (the starting, final and a few intermediate steps) for the following low-contrast image beans. Here we have alphabets from the set {0,1,…,255}, only the pixels present in the image are used. It takes 44 steps to construct the tree.




The following table shows the Huffman Codes for different pixel values for the above low-contrast image beans.


 index pixel code
15 108 0
3 115 1
20 109 10
1 112 11
32 107 100
44 110 101
18 96 110
11 95 111
21 120 1000
35 91 1001
6 116 1010
24 123 1011
2 98 1100
13 100 1101
17 94 1111
12 119 10000
4 114 10001
42 103 10011
16 106 10100
37 132 10101
41 130 10111
5 117 11000
26 125 11010
40 99 11011
38 118 11100
0 113 11101
22 121 11111
39 131 101011
27 127 101111
31 102 110011
25 124 110101
23 122 110111
33 104 111011
34 105 111111
29 129 1001111
30 93 1010101
7 137 1010111
14 255 1101011
28 128 1101111
36 133 11010111
10 134 11101011
9 135 101010111
43 90 1001010111
8 136 10001010111
19 89 100001010111
Let’s now repeat the Huffman-tree construction for the following histogram-equalized image beans. The goal is:
  1. First construct the tree for the equalized image.
  2. Use the tree to encode the image data and then compare the compression ratio with the one obtained using the same algorithm with the low-contrast image.
  3. Find if the histogram equalization increases / reduces the compression ratio or equivalently the entropy of the image.

The following figures show how the tree is getting constructed with the Huffman Coding algorithm (the starting, final and a few intermediate steps) for the image beans. Here we have alphabets from the set {0,1,…,255}, only the pixels present in the image are used. It takes 40 steps to construct the tree, also as can be seen from the following figures the tree constructed is structurally different from the one constructed on the low-contract version of the same image.


The following table shows the Huffman Codes for different pixel values for the above high-contrast image beans.

 index pixel code
13 119 0
11 250 1
5 133 10
0 150 11
8 113 100
32 166 101
36 60 110
40 30 111
25 208 1000
38 16 1001
21 181 1010
33 224 1011
9 67 1100
37 80 1101
27 244 1111
23 201 10000
17 174 10001
6 89 10011
34 106 10100
24 141 10101
28 246 10111
22 188 11000
10 235 11010
30 71 11011
2 195 11100
3 158 11101
1 214 11111
31 228 100001
15 84 101011
12 251 101111
39 18 110011
4 219 110111
14 93 111011
26 99 111111
19 253 1000001
7 238 1001111
18 21 1010111
29 241 1101111
35 248 1110011
20 0 10101111
16 255 110101111

The following figure shows the compression ratio for different images using Huffman and LZ78 codes, both on the low-contrast and high contrast images (obtained using histogram equalization). The following observations can be drawn from the comparative results shown in the following figures (here H represents Huffman and L represents LZ78):

  1. The entropy of an image stays almost the same after histogram equalization
  2. The compression ratio with Huffman / LZ78 also stays almost the same with an image with / without histogram equalization.
  3. The Huffman codes achieves higher compression in some cases than LZ78.



The following shows the first few symbol/code pairs for the dictionary obtained with LZ78 algorithm, with the alphabet set as {0,1,..,255} for the low-contrast beans image (there are around 18k codes in the dictionary for this image):

index symbol (pixels) code
7081 0 0
10325 1 1
1144 2 10
7689 4 100
8286 8 1000
7401 16 10000
8695 32 100000
10664 64 1000000
5926 128 10000000
7047 128,128 1000000010000000
1608 128,128,128 100000001000000010000000
12399 128,128,128,128 10000000100000001000000010000000
3224 128,128,128,128,128 1000000010000000100000001000000010000000
3225 128,128,128,128,129 1000000010000000100000001000000010000001
3231 128,128,128,128,127 100000001000000010000000100000001111111
12398 128,128,128,129 10000000100000001000000010000001
12401 128,128,128,123 1000000010000000100000001111011
12404 128,128,128,125 1000000010000000100000001111101
12403 128,128,128,127 1000000010000000100000001111111
1609 128,128,129 100000001000000010000001
8780 128,128,129,128 10000000100000001000000110000000
7620 128,128,130 100000001000000010000010
2960 128,128,130,125 1000000010000000100000101111101
2961 128,128,130,127 1000000010000000100000101111111
8063 128,128,118 10000000100000001110110
1605 128,128,121 10000000100000001111001
6678 128,128,121,123 100000001000000011110011111011
1606 128,128,122 10000000100000001111010
1601 128,128,124 10000000100000001111100
1602 128,128,125 10000000100000001111101
4680 127,127,129 1111111111111110000001
2655 127,127,130 1111111111111110000010
1254 127,127,130,128 111111111111111000001010000000
7277 127,127,130,129 111111111111111000001010000001
9087 127,127,120 111111111111111111000
9088 127,127,122 111111111111111111010
595 127,127,122,121 1111111111111111110101111001
9089 127,127,123 111111111111111111011
9090 127,127,124 111111111111111111100
507 127,127,124,120 1111111111111111111001111000
508 127,127,124,125 1111111111111111111001111101
9091 127,127,125 111111111111111111101
9293 127,127,125,129 11111111111111111110110000001
2838 127,127,125,132 11111111111111111110110000100
1873 127,127,125,116 1111111111111111111011110100
9285 127,127,125,120 1111111111111111111011111000
9284 127,127,125,125 1111111111111111111011111101
10394 127,127,125,125,131 111111111111111111101111110110000011
4357 127,127,125,125,123 11111111111111111110111111011111011
4358 127,127,125,125,125 11111111111111111110111111011111101
6615 127,127,125,125,125,124 111111111111111111101111110111111011111100
9283 127,127,125,127 1111111111111111111011111111
9092 127,127,127 111111111111111111111
1003 127,127,127,129 11111111111111111111110000001
7031 127,127,127,130 11111111111111111111110000010
1008 127,127,127,121 1111111111111111111111111001
1009 127,127,127,122 1111111111111111111111111010
1005 127,127,127,125 1111111111111111111111111101
2536 127,127,127,125,125 11111111111111111111111111011111101
5859 127,127,127,127 1111111111111111111111111111

12454 rows × 2 columns

The next table shows the dictionary obtained for the high-contrast beans image using LZ78 algorithm:

index symbol (pixels) code
7003 0 0
11341 0,0 00
5300 0,0,16 0010000
5174 0,0,16,16 001000010000
10221 0,0,16,16,16 00100001000010000
10350 0,16 010000
9145 0,16,0 0100000
1748 0,16,0,0 01000000
12021 0,16,16 01000010000
7706 0,16,16,16 0100001000010000
6343 0,16,16,16,16 010000100001000010000
12355 0,16,16,16,16,18 01000010000100001000010010
6346 0,16,16,16,18 010000100001000010010
12019 0,16,18 01000010010
8496 0,16,18,18 0100001001010010
3459 0,67 01000011
8761 0,67,119 010000111110111
10345 0,18 010010
12295 0,18,80 0100101010000
5934 0,255 011111111
1356 0,255,214 01111111111010110
10272 1 1
1108 2 10
7611 4 100
8187 8 1000
7323 16 10000
9988 16,0 100000
8625 32 100000
10572 64 1000000
2806 16,0,0 1000000
7284 255,224 1111111111100000
10857 255,113 111111111110001
7286 255,228 1111111111100100
9053 255,228,228 111111111110010011100100
7734 255,235 1111111111101011
10853 255,119 111111111110111
1315 255,238 1111111111101110
7105 255,238,238 111111111110111011101110
10212 255,238,238,238 11111111111011101110111011101110
11699 255,30 1111111111110
6120 255,60 11111111111100
6846 255,241 1111111111110001
10205 255,241,241 111111111111000111110001
11894 255,241,241,251 11111111111100011111000111111011
9428 255,60,60 11111111111100111100
7768 255,60,60,60 11111111111100111100111100
111 255,60,60,60,67 111111111111001111001111001000011
5613 255,60,60,60,30 1111111111110011110011110011110
8713 255,60,60,60,30,30 111111111111001111001111001111011110
11729 255,60,60,60,30,30,30 11111111111100111100111100111101111011110
6848 255,244 1111111111110100
6850 255,246 1111111111110110
6845 255,248 1111111111111000
9401 255,248,248 111111111111100011111000
880 255,250 1111111111111010
881 255,251 1111111111111011
3725 255,251,251 111111111111101111111011
11316 255,251,251,235 11111111111110111111101111101011
879 255,253 1111111111111101
7215 255,253,253 111111111111110111111101

12394 rows × 2 columns


2. Spatial Domain Watermarking: Embedding images into images

The following figure describes the basics of spatial domain digital watermarking:


The next figures show the watermark image and the grayscale host image to be used for embedding the watermark image inside the host image.

wm.pngThe next animations show the embedding of the most significant bit for each pixel of the watermark image inside the gray-scale host image at the upper-left corner at the bits 0,1,…,7 respectively, for each pixel in the host image. As expected, when embedded into a higher significant bit of the host image, the watermark becomes more prominent than when embedded into a lower significant bit.


The next figure shows how the distribution of  the pixel intensities change when embedding into different bits.


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